KOIL Deane Johnson Air Check (Noon Hour) - 3/8/69

Deane Johnson with William Shatner in the KOIL lobby.

This would have been made close to my last day on KOIL before moving to KDWB. KOIL was very laid back at this time in it's history. With no Top 40 competition, it was unnecessary to be overly aggressive and take a chance on driving away adults. Music was soft, album cuts like the Ray Conniff Singers were played several times an hour.

KOIL operated with an around the clock news department at the time. Imagine doing midnight to 6 and having a "live" newsman doing your news. And, if that's not enough, there was also a "live" receptionist answering the phone around the clock. Heavy local "first person" public service and community involvement were a trade mark of KOIL during the Don Burden years. Ironically, the FCC got a wild hair up it's rear and decided to take the stations away from Burden, despite the fact that his stations did more local community service and public involvement than any station I can remember at the time.

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